FileTranscriber API
Transcribe speech from audio/video files to text using the whisper.cpp speech-to-text implementation.
Create a new FileTranscriber instance.
const transcriber = new FileTranscriber(options);
Param | Type | Default | Description |
options | FileTranscriberOptions | ||
createModule | (moduleArg = {}) => Promise<any> | Exported createModule() function from @transcribe/shout | |
model | string | File | Whisper.cpp model file in ggml format. Will call fetch() if string, otherwise will use the provided file. | |
workerPath | string | Defaults to the directory where shout.wasm.js is located. | Path to shout.wasm.worker.mjs file. |
dtwType | DtwType: "tiny" | "base" | "small" | "tiny.en" | "base.en" | "small.en" | "" | Specify the type of the model used if should compute word level timestamps using DTW algorithm. |
onReady | () => void | () => {} | Called after init. |
onProgress | (progress: number) => void | () => {} | Called on progress (new segment), 0..100 |
onCanceled | () => void | () => {} | Called after transcription process got canceled. |
onSegment | (segment: TranscribeResultSegment) => void | () => {} | Called when a new transcribed segment is ready. |
onComplete | (result: TranscriptionResult) => void | () => {} | Called when transcription is complete. |
Returns a new FileTranscriber
Loads model and creates a new shout instance. Must be called before transcribe()
await transcriber.init();
A promise that resolves to void Promise<void>
transcribe(file, options?)
Transcribes audio to text and returns a Promise
that resolves with a TranscriptionResult
that contains the transcription data as JSON.
await transcriber.transcribe("my.mp3");
await transcriber.transcribe("my.mp3", options);
await transcriber.transcribe(file, options);
Param | Type | Default | Description |
audio | string | File | URL to audio file or File object. | |
options | FileTranscriberOptions | ||
lang | string | "auto" | Language code of the audio language (eg. en ) |
threads | number | this.maxThreads | Number of threads to use. Defaults to max available. |
translate | boolean | false | Translate result to english. |
max_len | number | 0 | Max number of characters in a single segment, 0 means no limit. |
split_on_word | boolean | false | If true , transcriber will try to split the text on word boundarie. |
suppress_non_speech | boolean | false | If true , transcriber will try to suppress non-speech segments. |
token_timestamps | boolean | true | If true , token level timestamps will be calculated. |
A promise that resolve to a transcribe result Promise<TranscripeResult>
JSON containing all transcribe data like, text, timestamps, ect. .
Cancels the current transcription. May take some time.
await transcriber.cancel();
Returns a Promise that resolve to void Promise<void>
Destroys shout instance and frees wasm memory.